Monday 27 August 2012

Series 7 Countdown: Series 2 Monsters

Yesterday saw me begin the second part of my Series 7 Countdown by detailing the main Monsters and Aliens from Series 1. Today I shall continue with the main Monsters and Aliens of Series 2.

Sycorax  - The Christmas Invasion

The Sycorax were average aliens and had a pretty strange storyline with blood control. Also their skeletal look wasn't that great and the fact that blood control can't kill is just weird! So overall not great as it bored me with the fact that you couldn't understand what they were saying... 2/5

Cassandra - New Earth

The living trampoline's second and final appearance was a shock as everyone thought she got killed at the end of The End of the World. However, Cassandra wasn't actually the main villain in this episode but I put her in this article as she was a main character. But the whole thing of her going from person to person and her body disappearing when she started this, was weird as you would have thought it would have just been an essence?! 3/5

Werewolf - Tooth and Claw

The Werewolf I liked as it brought together fairytale and sci-fi in a way that was believable and also it was a great looking monster and the first time I can remember from New Who, a thing that could have been a man in a suit, not being a man in a suit! Overall, a great monster with a chilling ending that Queen Victoria could have been a werewolf... 4/5

Krillitanes - School Reunion 

A little bit too much resemblance of the Reapers was seen in these aliens however, their story was pretty good. Looks-wise I didn't really like them but their idea was good. Not really worth another appearance. 2/5

Clockwork Droids - The Girl in the Fireplace

Moffat's second story of Doctor Who was much loved by fans but the thing that let it down for me is the strange idea of the Clockwork Droids. Their 'costume' was bad and why humans in the future would make their repair droids in a clock form is anybody's guess. 1/5

Cybermen - Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel/Army of Ghosts/Doomsday 

The re-introduction of the Cybermen was fantastic and I love their re-design but the thing I didn't like about their first story of Series 2 was why did they have to be reborn on a parallel universe? What's wrong with ours?! Anyway, this was sort of resolved as it gave the series finale an edge and fueled a lot of the story. 4/5

The Wire - The Idiot's Lantern

Another average villain and adds to my ever growing list of hated entities. I feel there needs to be a really strong story in the future that is around an entity as I don't think we have really had one so far. Anyway, the Wire's story wasn't a good one and the Wire isn't on my list of aliens I would like to return someday. 2/5

The Beast  - The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit 

The Beast was a great monster as it really chilled you and frightened you but it wasn't even on screen! The closest we got for most of this story to seeing the Beast was through a red-eye Ood. Anyway, the Beast was great and shrouded in mystery so the Doctor Who team had finally created a fantastic new monster for Series 2, something I don't feel they had done yet. 5/5

Abzorbaloff - Love and Monsters 

The cousin of the Slitheen didn't go down too well with fans for three main reasons. One: how can something that fat run that fast?, Two: weird black hair... and Three: it looked really bad and weird... 1/5

Isolus - Fear Her

The Isolus was yet another fairly average alien and I found the whole idea of it drawing it's victims slightly weird. The Isolus lacked a few things that Doctor Who aliens should have: be atleast a bit scary, look good and have a believable back story. 2/5

Daleks - Doomsday 

The introduction of the Cult of Skaro was great and was a truly believable way of how the Daleks would have survived Rose's inferno at the end of Series 1. I also liked how we were introduced to a different coloured Dalek (black) and how these Daleks were different from any others. Definitely the best Cult of Skaro story. However, they didn't have as much screen time as I feel they should have had in this story. 4/5

And my favourite is...

The Beast

Mystery, fear and excitement all came together to create Series 2's best alien!

And my least favourite is...


Need I say much more?!

In Conclusion...

Not the best range of monsters with only a few getting 4 or 5 points in my article, however the good stories made up for this. I don't think any of the new monsters will be making any more appearances.

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