Saturday 18 August 2012

Series 7 Countdown: Best 2009 Special

As Series 7 draws ever nearer, I am going to be publishing countdown posts. For each post I will write about my most memorable episode from that series and also a separate article for my least favourite episode of that series. (The 2009 Specials and the Christmas Special's will both have there separate articles) Today's article is on my favourite 2009 Special. The episodes that count for being a 2009 Special are Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, The End of Time: Part 1 and The End of Time: Part 2.

The End of Time: Part 2

The Tenth Doctor's swansong was a heartbreaking episode but also very exciting as the Time Lords returned for one night only and we finally found out why the Doctor had to destroy the Time Lords as well as everything else in the Time War. In this article I will highlight some of the best parts to this outstanding episode.

6 Billion Masters

The first part of the episode saw the 'Master Race' at work and the Doctor powerless but I loved the scenes which showed you the Masters right across the world and it really hit me how much control the Master had and the colossal scale of what he had done.

Defensive Donna

The scene where Donna manages to knock out the Masters trying to attack her with an energy wave is really good as it shows us that the Doctor did take precautions and if she did remember about her time with him, she wouldn't be entirely without hope.

Vinvocci Stuck

The part of the episode where the Doctor and Wilfred are trapped on the Vinvocci ship is important especially where the Doctor and Wilfred talk and Wilfred tries to get the Doctor to realise that to save his life, for once, he must take arms. I find this scene quite emotional and it leads onto the climax of this episode.

Earth Attack

My favourite Wilfred scene ever was when he was in the Vinvocci ship shooting lasers at missiles! Just great! Although it did seem a bit of a coincidence that they managed to avoid ALL of the missiles sent at them, but the scene was still brilliant!

Crash Land I

The only part of the episode which is pretty unbelievable is when the Doctor falls from the sky, crashes through a glass roof and plummets to the floor and isn't even knocked out! But my attention was diverted straight away to see how Rassilon's plan would advance...

Rassilon or The Master?

The Doctor finally took arms and had to make a choice: Kill Rassilon or The Master? The way this was resolved was very much a thing The Doctor would do: don't kill either of them. When 'The Woman' is revealed behind Rassilon, this managed to get the Doctor to make up his mind and the Time Lords were sent back into the Time War.

My Best Friend, The Master

When The Master gave up his life to save the Doctor and get revenge on Rassilon showed he wasn't really a baddie, he was just insane and once the drumming was revealed, we all knew that The Master wasn't that bad. Although we did see him trapped at the end of the Time War, I think Steven Moffat will think of a clever way to bring him back one day.

The Woman

We still don't fully know who the Woman was, although RTD did say that she was intended to be the Doctor's mother, but maybe we'll never know...

Wilfred Knocks Four Times

The best scene, for me, was when the Doctor was on the ground having thinking that he'd won and that his death was avoided, but then came the knocks. We all expected the knocks to be from some evil enemy but it was just Wilfred wanting help. A scene that brought a tear to the eye. The scene where the Doctor breaks down and says that it isn't fair on him, is great as it really shows that the Doctor can be just like us and that at times he is vulnerable.

Farewell Tour I

Knowing that we will soon regenerate, The Doctor goes and says goodbye to his best friends: Martha, Mickey, Jack, Sarah Jane, Verity Newman (Joan Redfern), Donna, Wilfred and Rose. Some know his end is nigh and yet, he still does a good deed for each (saving Martha/Mickey from a Sontaran, getting Jack to flirt with Alonso, saving Sarah Jane's son Luke, showing he still loves Joan, giving Donna, Wilfred and Sylvia a life changing lottery ticket and just being able to talk to Rose was magical). And as we all know the Eleventh Doctor also takes a farewell tour before he thinks he is going to die at Lake Silencio but of course he doesn't!

This Song is ending but the Story never ends

The Doctor is collapsing and with no spare hand to help him this time, the Ood sing him out and he prepares to regenerate and with his final line, David Tennant didn't leave a dry eye in the house, 'I don't want to go...'.

Crash Land II

The regeneration scene was great for two main reasons: 1, the TARDIS getting blown up and 2, Matt Smith's fantastic opening scene. This certainly kept us on the edge of our seats and nobody could wait the 3 month wait until Series 5. Well at least Matt left us with what we all know was going to be his catchphrase: Geronimo!

In Conclusion...

A fantastic swansong for David Tennant and RTD, and I don't think he could have written anything any better! All of the Time Lords lost in this episode: The Doctor; regeneration, The Master; death and Rassilon and the rest of the Time Lords; doom from the Doctor himself. This episode tied up many loose ends and it left us all shocked, excited and very very happy!

Tomorrow: Worst Episode of the 2009 Specials

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