Series 3

The third series follows the adventures of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and new companion Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) as they battle everything from Daleks to the Master!

Also Starring

Adjoa Andoh as Francine Jones
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Tish Jones
John Simm as The Master


X. The Runaway Bride by Russell T. Davies 

Along with Donna who has mysteriously appeared in the TARDIS, the Doctor tries to find out what is happening but with the Pilotfish back, it looks like something even bigger is nearing Earth, amongst the stars...

1. Smith and Jones by Russell T. Davies

When Royal Hope Hospital gets transported to the moon, the Doctor teams up with Martha Jones to find the Plasmavore that is hiding as a human, before the hospital runs out of air and the Judoon find the Doctor...

2. The Shakespeare Code by Gareth Roberts 

The Doctor takes Martha Jones on her first trip in the TARDIS. Arriving in Elizabethan England, they meet William Shakespeare, who is writing his play Love's Labour Won. However, evil, witch-like Carrionites plot to end the world by placing a code in the new play's closing dialogue. Shakespeare will have to give the performance of his life in order to save the Earth.

3. Gridlock by Russell T. Davies

The Doctor and Martha travel to New New York in the far future and discover that millions people are trapped in an undercity where when people go to the motorway, they never come back...

4. Daleks in Manhattan by Helen Raynor 

In New York City, 1930, in the midst of the Depression, people are disappearing from among the homeless and jobless masses. Pig-like creatures hide in the sewers, and at the bottom of the Empire State Building, some of the Doctor's greatest and oldest enemies, the Daleks, are at work, preparing their most horrific plan yet.

5. Evolution of the Daleks by Helen Raynor

The Cult of Skaro's plan is in full force. Dalek Sec is reborn in a half-human form, and the Pig Slaves launch an enormous assault upon the Central Park Hooverville along with the remaining pure Daleks. The Doctor, Martha and the others must fight for their lives, while the future of humans and Daleks alike is being decided underneath the Empire State Building.

6. The Lazarus Experiment by Stephen Greenhorn 

On Earth, in present day London, The Doctor, Martha and her family attend a scientific demonstration by the aged Professor Lazarus. But when the experiment goes wrong, a horrific product of genetic manipulation is unleashed, leaving a trail of death in its mission to live indefinitely.

7. 42 by Chris Chibnall

A spaceship hurtles out of control towards an alien sun and The Doctor has 42 minutes to save the ship, but with a mysterious force starting to possess and murder the ship's crew, the Doctor and Martha are running out of time.

8. Human Nature by Paul Cornell 

The Family of Blood seek to live forever and to achieve this they need a time lord's life so they go in hunt of the Doctor. To protect himself from them the Doctor's turns himself human and hides in 1913...

9. The Family of Blood by Paul Cornell

It is 1913 in England, and war has come a year in advance as the terrifying Family hunts for the Doctor. When John Smith refuses to accept his destiny as a Time Lord, the women in his life—Martha Jones and Joan Redfern—have to help him decide.

10. Blink by Steven Moffat 

Sally Sparrow must stop the Weeping Angels from getting control of the TARDIS, but The Doctor and Martha are stuck in 1963... Along with Larry, she must find the connection between 17 DVD easter eggs to be able to stop the Angels, but whatever they do, they must not blink...

11. Utopia by Russell T. Davies

Jack's back and as he clings onto the TARDIS he sends himself along with the Doctor and Martha to the end of the universe where an old enemy is waiting...

12. The Sound of Drums by Russell T. Davies 

The Doctor, Martha and Jack return to present day Earth in search of the Master, but it doesn't take long... Then aboard the Valiant they discover the true extent of the Master's plans and the Earth's impending doom...

13. Last of the Time Lords by Russell T. Davies

One year on, the Master's plan is about to conclude and the remainder of humanity have heard of the girl, who gives them hope, but is it too late? Meanwhile, on board the Valiant the Doctor and Jack are held prisoner along with Martha's family and the impending doom seem inevitable...

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