Sunday 26 August 2012

Series 7 Countdown: Series 1 Monsters

Yesterday, saw the conclusion of the first part of my Series 7 Countdown, which s me detail, day by day, my favourite and least favourite episodes from each series of New Who. But as promised, I am continuing my countdown posts with one article over the next six days detailing about the Monsters for each series of New Who. In these articles I will write a short passage about the main monsters from each episode in each series and I will conclude each article with my favourite and least favourite monster from that series. Today I start with the Monsters and Aliens from Series 1.

Autons  - Rose 

One of my least favourite aliens ever, just because of their rubbish plastic-like appearance! I hope the production team have realised this, so they never bring them back ever again. Also I feel they definitely weren't the best alien to be in the return story of Doctor Who as there were hundreds of other monsters they could have included which would have made the story much better. 1/5

Cassandra - The End of the World

I loved The End of the World for two reasons: a great story and the introduction of so many new , bizarre and brilliant aliens with one being the evil Cassandra. I really liked the idea of her being 'the last human' and her trampoline-like appearance showed that this was a woman who would do anything to stay alive, no matter how many people died... 4/5

Gelth - The Unquiet Dead

The gaseous Gelth were not great aliens and I feel started of the trend of all of Mark Gatiss' episodes being rather rubbish! Anyway, the Gelth looked like a gas hob more than anything else and I think because they didn't have the 'remembrance' factor, we won't be seeing them again. 1/5

Slitheen - Aliens of London/World War Three/Boom Town

The Slitheen were my favourite new monsters of Series 1 because they were everything humanity thought aliens would look like: green, blobby men! Plus their first story was all about mans first contact with an alien species that the public knew about. Well in the Whoniverse anyway... Also I am very disappointed that they haven't made another appearance in Doctor Who but I hope they do soon! 5/5

Daleks - Dalek/Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

The return of the Daleks was fantastic and they couldn't have had a better two-parter at the end of the series. The Emperor Dalek returning was good, however I would have liked him to have survived because I feel his character had more to give other than the one episode he got given. The Bronze Daleks are my favourite's because they look brutal and whoever designed them has really put the fear back into them! 5/5 

Jagrafess - The Long Game

The Jagrafess was a good monster however I don't see how the Dalek's needed to install the Jagrafess into Satellite 5 in the first place as I feel it would have been much easier for them to control it! Anyway, back to the Jagrafess, this blobby pink monster looked the part but as it was stuck on the roof the whole time I don't feel it was that well protected and was easily defeated. 3/5

Reapers - Father's Day

The Reapers were average aliens and I don't think their part in the changing of time was that well put down as time has been changed many times after and they haven't dared make the slightest appearance. Anyway, in the one story they did appear, they weren't there that often and I didn't really like the idea that there was actual creatures who came to 'sterilize the wound' and I feel if time just blanked out (or something similar to what happened in The Wedding of River Song), then this would have made a better story. 2/5

Nanogenes - The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

The Nanogenes were a great alien as they were only trying to help but in actual fact they were on their way to wiping out an entire species! The kind of monster that is killing people but doesn't actually know they are doing it, is a great kind and probably even more deadly... 3/5

And my favourite is...

The Daleks

Undoubtedly, the greatest alien to ever grace our TV screen and had a stellar two-parter at the end of this series!

And my least favourite is...

The Autons

The plastic menaces were pretty bad and were actually so bad looking it was almost funny! And that is something that I thought I would only do with some of the classic monsters!

In Conclusion...

A good range of monsters and aliens featured in this series and most are definitely memorable and deserve more episodes in the future.

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