Friday, 31 August 2012

Series 7 Countdown: Series 6 Monsters

Today, I shall finally conclude my countdown posts to Series 7. I started by detailing my favourite and least favourite episodes of each series since the revival and last Sunday, I started detailing the monster and aliens that have appeared in each episode since the revival in a series by series format. So today's article is on the main aliens and monsters that appeared in Series 6.

Silence - The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon/The Wedding of River Song 

The Silence have to be the creepiest Doctor Who aliens ever! I loved Moffat's latest creation as they looked scary, they WERE scary and when they moved their arms just before they electrocuted somebody, that was very freaky! Absolutely loved these monsters and I loved how we actually had an alien that was part of the arc so appeared in many episodes of the series. 5/5

Siren - The Curse of the Black Spot 

The Siren was a great alien as it had a well thought out back story and the idea that it used reflection was clever as the setting of the episode was surrounded by water! The Siren looked good the song was creepy as it rose from the water... 4/5

House - The Doctor's Wife

Finally we had an entity that I liked! House was a great villain as it devours TARDISes, an idea which I thought was genius. Thanks to House we also managed to see more of the new TARDIS set and is definitely me favourite entity ever to feature in Doctor Who. 5/5

Flesh - The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People/A Good Man Goes To War

The Flesh story wasn't a favourite of mine but the Flesh did have some good points. The idea surrounding it was good but if you think about it, how can a solar storm make something that was never alive in the first place, alive? 2/5

Kovarian - Day of the Moon/The Curse of the Black Spot/The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People/A Good Man Goes To War/Closing Time/The Wedding of River Song 

The main villain of Series 6 was a clever idea and I loved the mystery as to why she kept on appearing before Amy, before her first proper story (A Good Man Goes To War). In the Battle of Demons Run, we were shown how evil she was as she didn't care about Amy's feelings and just took Melody from her. However, we were never told what happened to her in the current version of reality. 4/5

Teselecta - Let's Kill Hitler/The Wedding of River Song

The introduction of the Teselecta seemed a bit odd at the time of Let's Kill Hitler but I loved how they saved the Doctor from dying in The Wedding of River Song. The whole idea about them I loved just like the Doctor does, and I hope we are given another Teselecta story in the future as you could write a story with them in it surrounding any war event in the whole of time. 5/5

Peg Dolls - Night Terrors 

Don't even get me started on the worst Doctor Who monsters to ever be created. Just look at them and you will get my point! Mark Gatiss, bow your head in shame... 1/5

Handbots - The Girl Who Waited 

Despite their plain look, I quite liked the Handbots and the idea that they actually had human like hands was quite creepy but I was still reeling over the shocking monsters we had the previous week... 3/5

Minotaur - The God Complex 

The Minotaur was a pretty bad monster and this was the third week in a row we had had a fairly bad monster. The Minotaur looked weird and although the idea of The God Complex I liked, the Minotaur could have looked much better. 2/5

Cybermen - Closing Time

Although I loved Closing Time as as episode, I feel the Cybermen were pretty wasted in this episode. It wasn't like the Cybermen were on their last legs, we had been shown that there were Cyber Legions all across space earlier on in the series. That aside, I liked seeing the metal men again but I feel they were defeated in a pretty unsatisfying way. 3/5

And my favourite is...

The Silence

For all the reasons I stated above, the Silence were great monsters and more than deserve a comeback story in the future. I think we will as the legend does say that Silence will fall when the question is asked, so they must be there...

And my least favourite is...

Ped Dolls

Like I said above, don't even get me started on these monstrosities...

In Conclusion...

A series that started of excellent in the monster way of things but as of Episode 9, things went down hill so my final word has to be pretty average but had some of the most fantastic monsters I had seen in a while at the start.

Pond Life: Episode 5

The fifth and final part of Pond Life was released online earlier today. You can view it in the player below.

August: The Doctor finally arrives at the Pond's house. But where are they?

Series 7: ABC Asylum of the Daleks Pictures

ABC have released 15 new pictures for Asylum of the Daleks. They can be viewed below.

WARNING: Some pictures may be considered to be slight spoilers.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Series 7 Countdown: Series 5 Monsters

Today, I shall continue my Series 7 Countdown posts by looking at the main monsters and aliens that appeared in Series 5.

Atraxi - The Eleventh Hour 

This episode wasn't about the monster threat really, just about introducing a new Doctor and a new companion. The episode was brilliant but the thing which I disliked about it was the introduction of another space police. What's wrong with the Judoon? The Judoon are far better in my opinion. 3/5

Smiler - The Beast Below

The Smiler's were pretty rubbish 'monsters', as for one, where did they're voice come from? Definitely not that painted on face that 'turns' from happy to angry... The cage they were in was not very futuristic and they reminded me of Max Capricorn... 1/5

Daleks - Victory of the Daleks

The end of the RTD era Daleks (or so we thought) saw the entrance of new 'hump-back jelly bean' Daleks which I really like and I think look far superior to their bronze predecessors. They have bigger, better guns, they are taller and can now stare straight at their enemies instead of looking up at them and for in their first appearance these Daleks actually won! 4/5

Weeping Angels - Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone

The return of the Weeping Angels was fantastic and although there was more of them and don't get me wrong, I love the Weeping Angels, I did prefer Blink. However, they were still terrifying but I think showing us how they move (which doesn't look that fast at all) was a bad move. 4/5

Vampires - Vampires in Venice

I didn't like this episode that much mainly because of the Vampires which I think was a little too fairytale, something Doctor Who has done a few times before... Anyway, the Vampires had been affected by the cracks and now they wanted to kill everyone on Earth, heard it all before... 2/5

The Dream Lord - Amy's Choice

The Dream Lord was a good villain and I loved him taunting The Doctor! The resolution was good though as you really see that the Dream Lord is weak and only has influence over dream states. 3/5

Silurians - The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

The re-introduction of the Silurians was great and made a great two-parter. The new look was fantastic and the way their history was written into this episode was very good and I hope one day we get to see what happens in 1000 years time when the Silurians come to the surface once more... 5/5

Krafayis - Vincent and the Doctor

This episode (as you can tell by the title) was not about a monster at all, but about Vincent Van Gogh. I like these type of episodes but if you are going to have an alien threat, you need to put a great deal of thought into it, something I don't think was really done here with the Krafayis. 2/5

They're was no alien threat in The Lodger.

The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang didn't have one alien threat but loads which all had similiar screen time so I will not be writing about any of them.

And my favourite is...

The Silurians

Definitely the best threat and if you think about it, they're not even alien!

And my least favourite is...


Poor robots and I'm sure Steven Moffat could have came up with something much better than this.

In Conclusion...

Not a great series for alien threat stories but for some reason, I think it is my favourite series!

Doctor Who Adventures 284

This weeks Doctor Who Adventures magazine came out today and comes with 20 mini monster figures! 

Also in this issue:

  • Dalek madness - A sneaky peek at the Asylum of the Daleks!
  • Eleventh Doctor's Dalek encounters!
  • Monster army attack board game which you can play with your cool monster army gift!
  • Mega moments! - Tell us about your best bits from Saturday's brand-new ep. Email us your mega moment to include your name and age. The best ones will feature in the mag! 

Plus the usual comic strip adventures, exclusive posters, puzzles, facts and jokes.

Issue 284 is out now!

Asylum of the Daleks: New York Screening Clip

BBC America have released a new video from last week's Asylum of the Daleks screening in New York. It can be watched in the player below.

The videos just keep on coming today, don't they?!

Doctor Who Insider: Farewell to the Ponds

BBC America have uploaded a new Doctor Who Insider looking at the upcoming departure of Amy and Rory.

The video below features some brief new clips and interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston.

Series 7: Daybreak Preview

Daybreak previewed Asylum of the Daleks earlier today. The video below shows new clips plus interviews from Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

Series 7: BBC News Clips

Earlier today new clips were released from Asylum of the Daleks. The video below shows new clips and interviews with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

Pond Life: Episode 4

The fourth part of Pond Life was released today. It can be viewed in the player below.

July: Domestic life with the Pond's is never dull!

Series 7: New Posters

Movie style posters have been released by the BBC for episodes 2-5 of Series 7. They can be seen below and the other released about a week ago for Asylum of the Daleks can also be seen.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Series 7: Episodes 1-3 New Details

Issue 451 of Doctor Who Magazine is released tomorrow and features episode guides for episodes 1-3. Below is a short summary for Asylum, Dinosaurs and Mercy.

Asylum of the Daleks

According to legend, somewhere in the universe, hidden away, the Daleks have a dumping ground. An entire planet where they lock up the Daleks that go wrong. The battle-scarred. The insane. The Daleks in the Asylum are lost in rage. They despise all things, even themselves…

Dalek Prime Minister: “Does it surprise you to know the Daleks have a concept of beauty?”
The Doctor: “I thought you’d run out of ways to make me sick, but hello again! You think hatred is beautiful?”
Dalek Prime Minister: “Perhaps that’s why we’ve never been able to kill you.”

  • There is one scene where the Doctor is trapped outside and begging for someone to open the door as insane Daleks advance on him.
  • Amy and Rory know themselves a lot better than before.
  • The Asylum is a bit like an outer-space concentration camp – but a lot worse…

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

2367 AD. A spaceship the size of Canada is on a collision course with the Earth. Oh, and there’s dinosaurs on board…

Brian: “Sorry. Sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?“
The Doctor: “Brian, please! That would be ridiculous. They’re probably just passengers. Did I mention missiles?“
Brian: “Missiles?!”

  • Riddell is Edwardian
  • Rory and Brian don’t really understand each other at the beginning.
  • Amy references a certain 1993 Spielberg flick – “Jurassic Park all-nighter at Leadworth Cineworld,” she tells Riddell adding, “It’s a wonder I ever married that man,” to which Riddell replies, “I have no idea what you just said.”

A Town Called Mercy

When the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a town called Mercy, in the American Old West, the Gunslinger is watching – and the Doctor is next on his hit list…

Jex: “Looking at you, Doctor, is like looking into a mirror. Almost. There’s rage there, like me. Guilt, like me. Solitude. Everything but the nerve to do what needs to be done. Thank the Gods my people weren’t relying on you to save them…”
The Doctor: “No. But these people are."

  • There’s a crucial scene – you’ll know it when you see it – which shows the Doctor in an entirely new light…
  • The Doctor dons his Stetson, Amy goes for her gun and Rory tries to keep them both out of trouble. But the time-travelling trio aren’t the only strangers newly arrived into town…

DWM #451 is officially out tomorrow priced £4.50.

Series 7: Poster Episodes 2-5 at Midnight

The BBC have revealed they will release a movie style poster for episodes 2-5 of Series 7 at midnight tonight.

The poster for episode 1, Asylum of the Daleks, can be seen above. The official information for the posters can be seen below.

At midnight tonight we’ll be releasing four incredible pieces of artwork for episodes 2-5 of the new series!
The new poster-style artwork presents striking imagery for Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Power of Three and The Angels Take Manhattan.

I'm getting really excited for Series 7 now! Are you? Leave your comments below if you wish.

Series 7 Countdown: Series 4 and the 2008-10 Specials Monsters

Today, I shall continue my Series 7 Countdown by detailing the main aliens and monsters that appeared in Series 4 and the 2008-10 Specials.

So lets start with Series 4...

Heavenly Hosts - Voyage of the Damned

The Hosts were average robots and I liked their line 'Information: You are all going to die.' because it shocked you as you thought 'Oh god, they're not heavenly at all!'. Anyway, the Hosts were pretty good monsters and I can't find many faults about them at all to be honest! 4/5

Adipose - Partner's In Crime 

In no way Monsters as they were just born, who can help that?! I loved their cuteness and the whole story of Partner's In Crime was great (apart from the title). The Adipose were a great use of CGI but did look a tiny but fake at times... 3/5

Pyrovile - The Fires of Pompeii

The Pyroviles were menacing monsters but the fact that they were simply defeated by a basin of water sort of took away a bit of the fear factor from them. But, they were greatly thought out and I loved how a real Earth event was written in, to be part of Doctor Who. 4/5

Ood - Planet of the Ood 

I loved how the Ood were given their own story at last after their medium-sized part in Series 2. Also, I really liked how were told the story of the Ood and why they want to serve. 4/5

Sontarans - The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky 

This highly unpopular two-parter re-introduced the Sontarans as cowards... in a way! If you are going to re-introduce something, then make sure that that story is fully about who the monster really is. Anyway, when the Sontarans were on a murder spree, it showed who they really were... shame this couldn't have been for the whole story. 3/5

Hath - The Doctor's Daughter

The Hath were strange creatures and I thought it was very unnatural for them to have green glass tanks for mouths! I didn't really like the Hath as you couldn't understand what they are saying, and I think language is something monsters need to be able to do well in, Judoon to the side as at least they can speak English in the end. 2/5

Vespiform - The Unicorn and the Wasp 

My favourite episode of Series 4 (excluding the Specials) saw a giant wasp take hold and I loved this as we were told later on in the series, they're not the only 'buzzing' creature to come fro, another planet... Anyway, a fantastic monster but the changing from human to wasp thing could have looked better. 4/5

Vashta Nerada - Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

The Vashta Nerada were another great invention of Moffat's as all you do to stop them from getting you is... RUN! Also loved how they kept the last words of their hosts constantly being said and this added to the eeriness of them. 5/5

Midnight Entity - Midnight

During the time of it's broadcast I highly disliked Midnight as I thought it was a cheap cop out but as I have re-watched it, I have started to really like it and I now love the mystery of the Midnight entity. Although, the thing that bugs me about it is we will never know what it really was... 3/5

Time Beetle - Turn Left

The Time Beetle was rarely seen but caused all the events to happen in Turn Left so it was a main monster. However, when we did see the Time Beetle, it looked like a cheap plasticky toy so this let the episode down a little bit... 3/5

Daleks - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End 

Finally after three series' we got a Dalek story with an empire at the height of its power! Absolutely fantastic from the Daleks as they were entirely ruthless and I liked how it rounded of the ending to the turbulent and some what controversial, Cult of Skaro saga with Dalek Caan nothing more than a Dalek traitor... Although they're cheated end did let them down a bit. 4/5

Davros - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End 

Couldn't decide whether to write about Davros or the Daleks so decided to write about both! Davros' reintroduction was good but not brilliant as it sort of took away the fact of the Time War never being able to be accessed by any living thing. But Davros' was pretty mad which I absolutely loved! 4/5

Now for the 2009 Specials...

Cybermen - The Next Doctor

The Cybermen were finally given another story after what had felt ages! I really liked the Cybershades coming back and the CyberKing was great as it once again got the Cybermen working at their best. 4/5

Stingray - Planet of the Dead

The Stingrays were good monsters as they were just ruthless creatures destroying entire planets to get what they want! They're look was great as for once I actually believed an alien with metal body parts to be natural. 4/5

The Flood - The Waters of Mars 

The Flood was a terrifying monster even though, it had no physical form. Definitely one of RTD's best episodes ever and The Flood's story left us wondering right to the end, what was going to happen... Also, I loved the whole just one drop thing. 5/5

The Master - The End of Time

The Master was back and this time was entirely MAD! His plan however was even better than his last and how he and The Doctor were deep down still friends, was great! At the end when the Master saved the Doctor's life, it was heart warming as we all knew that after all he had done to him, The Master was still the Doctor's friend. 5/5

Time Lords - The End of Time 

I thought I would just add these classic guys in as well as after all that time, we finally saw the Time Lords again! Their part in this episode was great as we finally found out the secret to why the Doctor had to kill them at the end of the Time War... 4/5

And my favourite is...

The Flood

It was just something about them and the great story they were given that I absolutely loved and they will be remembered by me, forever.

And my least favourite is...

The Hath

Not great monsters mainly because of the language barrier and they're unnatural appearance.

In Conclusion...

A fantastic collection of Monsters with ALL the classics: Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, Sontarans and Davros and also some one-off great monsters: Vashta Nerada, The Flood and The Vespiform. Definitely the best series so far for Monsters!

Series 7: New Zealand Airdate

New Zealand will get Series 7 on channel Prime starting on Thursday 13th September at 8:30pm. 

Below is Prime's synopsis for Asylum of the Daleks.

Join the Doctor, the Ponds and numerous friends on their latest escapades through time and space in this brand new series, where they puzzle an unexpected invasion of Earth, save a spaceship full of dinosaurs, and even don Stetsons in a Wild Wild West adventure. Tonight, kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter... the Asylum. A planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of their kind, the Doctor and the Ponds must find an escape route. But with Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown, and an army of mad Daleks closing in, it is up to the Doctor to save their lives, as well as the Ponds' marriage.

DWM #451: Full Details

Issue 451 of Doctor Who Magazine is out on Thursday and below is the full details of the magazine as well as the three collectable covers.

  • Asylum of the Daleks – DWM takes over the Asylum for Doctor Who's most ambitious episode yet. Matt Smith shares his thoughts on the Doctor’s arch enemies, Steven Moffat on the challenges of keeping the Daleks fresh and how Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan feel about the beginning of the end for Rory and Amy.
  • Dinosaurs on a Spaceship – it’s an episode of Doctor Who packed to the rafters with dinosaurs. On a spaceship! Writer Chris Chibnall, reveals how his script lived up to that title, and what challenges did the FX team face on bringing so many dinosaurs to life?
  • A Town Called Mercy – guest stars Adrian Scarborough and Ben Browder on how thrilled they were to join Doctor Who for an adventure into the Wild West, how the crew enjoyed their time on location in sunny Spain, and what writer Toby Whithouse thought of being out of his comfort zone.
The show's executive producer, Steven Moffat, also teases the ultimate fate of the Ponds:
As you’ll be able to tell from the end of Episode 5, I’ve had the very last moment of Amy Pond in my head for quite some time...

Also in this issue:

The Usual Suspects – the writers of the new series are given the once over by Doctor Who’s executive producer, Steven Moffat (including himself!) in a curtain-raising Production Notes.
Gulity as Charged? John-Nathan Turner was Doctor Who’s most colourful and controversial producer, guiding the show to dizzying heights, but perhaps a few lows too. Luminaries and experts from Doctor Who past and present assemble for the first in a two-part feature to assess the work of the series’ longest-serving producer in The Trial of John Nathan-Turner.
Cold Front - the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in Prague in the dying days of the Cold War. Revolution is on the horizon, but the Doctor senses something unreal in the air. What is the significance of the book The Sorrows of Prague, and why will Yuri Azarov and his terrifying companion stop at nothing to retrieve it? Part One of The Broken Man, the latest comic strip written by Scott Gray with art from Martin Geraghty.
Is This Death? - companions come and go, but should they ever die? Johnny Candon and Toby Hadoke weigh up the pros and cons of crash-landing to Earth in an out-of-control freighter, or heading off into the sunset to marry Brian Blessed in A Battle of Wits.
Take Art - DWM’s intrepid Time Team – Chris, Emma, Michael and Will – go for gold as the Doctor and Rose land in an ordinary housing estate where extraordinary things are happening as children are going missing, trapped in the drawings of Chloe Webber. Will the Doctor make it to the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics as The Time Team views Fear Her.
Coming of Age ­– Doctor Who’s 21st year saw a season packed with exciting cliff-hangers, companion departures, a tour de force performance from the leading man, andarguably the finest Doctor Who story ever made. Countdown to 50 reaches 1984 and Series 21.
All in the Mind – mind-sucking alien parasites, prison riots, a nerve-gas missile and the Master at his most scheming – find out how the Third Doctor, Jo and UNIT fought The Mind of Evil in this month’s Fact of Fiction.
Light my Fire – the Watcher warns of the pitfalls of predicting the near future as A History of Doctor Who in 100 Objectsreaches number 22 – the Olympic Torch. Was the 2012 of Fear Her remotely like the real thing? Also stare into the eyes ofThe Six Faces of Delusion, flick through The Stockbridge English Dictionary and marvel at the Supporting Artist of the Monthin Wotcha!

PLUS! All the usual features, latest official news, TV and merchandise reviews, previews, competitions, and prize-winning crossword.
DWM #451 is out tomorrow priced £4.50.

Pond Life: Episode 3

The third part of Pond Life can be viewed below, as it was released via the BBC Doctor Who website earlier today.

June: Rory finds an unexpected guest in the bathroom...

Part 4 will be released tomorrow at 12noon on the BBC Doctor Who website and will be available to view on this website from around 6pm.

Series 7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Time, Pictures and Monster?

The time for the second episode of Series 7 (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) has been revealed and it will air on Saturday 8th September on BBC One at 7:35pm. The episode is 45 minutes long.

Also an interesting promotional picture was released for the episode and can be seen below.

The full synopsis for the episode can be seen below, if you have missed it, including the full cast for the episode.

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction – unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo… of dinosaurs! By his side a ragtag gang of adventurers; a big game hunter, an Egyptian Queen and a surprised member of the Pond family. But little does the Doctor know there is someone else onboard who will stop at nothing to keep hold of his precious, prehistoric cargo.
Guest starring: Rupert Graves (Riddell); Mark Williams (Brian Williams); David Bradley (Solomon); Riann Steele (Queen Nefertiti); Sunetra Sarker (Indira); Noel Byrne (Robot 1); Richard Garaghty (Robot 2); Richard Hope (Bleytal) and Rudi Dharmalingam (ISA Worker).

Interestingly, Richard Hope is is in the full cast list and has previously played a Silurian in The Hungry Earth, Cold Blood and The Wedding of River Song. So could a Silurian play part in this episode? Bleytal sounds like a Silurian name, so it could happen.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Website Update: Series 4/5/6 Pages

If you are wondering whether there will be pages for Series 4, 5 and 6 at the top of this website anytime soon, then yes there will be!

It has been a few week since I created the Series 3 and 7 pages so I will be updating the link bar with pages for the three remaining series I am yet to write about. I hope to do this by the end of this week.

If you haven't read the pages on Series 1, 2 and 3 then please feel free to read them. They can be found (along with the Series 7 spoiler page) on the link bar at the top of this page.

Series 7 Page Update: 28th August 2012

Our Series 7 page has been updated with both Asylum of the Daleks trailers and the airdates for Series 7 Part 1 and the 2012 Christmas Special.

The page can be found on the link bar at top of this page.

If you are new to the site or haven't viewed our Series 7 page yet, please be warned that it does contain spoilers. You are warned of this again at the top of the Series 7 page.

Series 7 Countdown: Series 3 Monsters

Today, I shall continue my Series 7 Countdown, by briefly detailing about the main monster and aliens that appeared in Series 3.

Racnoss - The Runaway Bride 

The Racnoss was a strange creature and talked in a tone that was quite hard to understand... But apart from that a giant alien spider tied in well with the Christmas Star (or web) and the whole idea of it being around from the start of the Earth and how it was the centre of the Earth, was highly well thought out. 3/5

Judoon - Smith and Jones 

The introduction of a space police organization was a great idea and I loved the Judoon apart from the fact, why would alien police look like Earth rhinos? Not quite working for me... Loved the language and formality of them though. 4/5

Carrionites - The Shakespeare Code

Witches, like the werewolf of Series 2, was a little too much fairytale for me so the Carrionites weren't one of my favourite's, however they're story was quite interesting but the idea of them being defeated by words was rubbish! Doctor Who is sci-fi not fairytale! 2/5

Macra - Gridlock

A monster-lite episode, saw the return of a classic monster? Why? If you're going to re-introduce something, be sure to give it an episode which actually about it and not just a few seconds on screen. Very disappointed with this decision. 1/5

Daleks - Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks 

The return of the Cult of Skaro saw the worst Dalek two-parter ever written. The Daleks evolving into human-like creatures?! I was totally behind Cann, Thay and Jast by the end as they over through their leader, but of course they got defeated... 3/5

Lazarus - The Lazarus Experiment

Professor Lazarus creature thing, was a pretty bad monster. As I explained in my recent article saying how bad The Lazarus Experiment was, the Lazarus creature was very unbelievable and the questiuon remains, why would Lazarus turn evil and try to kill innocent people? 1/5

The Sun - 42

The whole sun being alive thing was OK but nothing great. Even today, I am still making my mind up on whether it was a little bit too far creating a sun that was alive. Good story but once again we had no alien threatening presence. 3/5

Family of Blood - Human Nature/The Family of Blood

The Family of Blood were grear villains and very memorable. A fantastically written story and an enemy that has so many good factors, I simply can't detail them all in this article. What I will say though is, the Family of Blood saved the monster factor of Series 3, as so far it was very bad. 5/5

Weeping Angels - Blink 

The introduction of the stone statues was by far one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever. The Weeping Angels were introduced shrouded in mystery and I loved how they had actually caught the Doctor! Their appearance is fantastic as they could turn from looking like innocent statues one minute, to claws out, sharp teeth, angry look, the next! 5/5

Futurekind - Utopia

The idea of the futurekind I feel was just to put a monster in to an episode which wasn't really about aliens at all, just the backstory to the series finale. However, the futurekind were not good monsters and how they could be humans is weird, as why on earth would humans in the future turn stupid, rabid and tribal all of a sudden? 1/5

The Master - Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords 

The re-introduction of THE classic villain was absolutely mind blowing! For one, he actually won... for a year, anyway! Two, he's mental and will stop at nothing to achieve universal domination. And three, he's a genius but his biggest fear is something that it shouldn't be... The Doctor! A friend, even after the hell The Master puts him through for 'the year that never was', all the way to their deaths. 5/5

And my favourite is...

Weeping Angels or The Master

It's an impossible decision as both really turned Series 3 around in the monster way of things and both had two of the most fantastic Doctor Who stories ever!

And my least favourite is...


Although I really dislike Lazarus, at least his episode was actually about him whereas the Futurekind, in my opinion, were not really needed and I feel the episode would have been just as good, albeit slighly altered, without them.

In Conclusion...

A series which started off average and then by episode 6/7, was pretty shocking in the monster factor. But as of episode 8 (except episode 11) the series featured some timeless classics which will remain with us Whovians, forever.