Series 1

The first series follows the adventures of the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and Rose (Billie Piper) as they travel to Earth's past and future and they discover the truth behind 'Bad Wolf'... 

Also Starring

Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler
Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith


1. Rose by Russell T. Davies 

In the episode, Rose Tyler meets a mysterious man called The Doctor in the department store where she works, while being attacked by shop window dummies called Autons. She then starts to investigate him and together they uncover an alien plot by the Nestene Consciousness to take over the Earth. Rose and the Doctor manage to beat the invasion together and she accepts his offer to travel through time and space with him in the TARDIS.

2. The End of the World by Russell T. Davies

In the episode, alien time traveller The Doctor takes his new companion Rose Tyler on her first trip through time and space in the TARDIS to the year five billion where many rich alien delegates have gathered on a space station called Platform One to watch the Sun expand and destroy the Earth, but one of these guests is plotting to profit from the event by killing them all.

3. The Unquiet Dead by Mark Gatiss

In the episode, The Doctor and Rose travel to Victorian Cardiff in 1869 where there have been sightings of strange gas-like creatures. The Doctor and Rose team up with Charles Dickens (Simon Callow) to investigate Mr Sneed (Alan David), a man who runs a funeral parlor where it seems that corpses have come to life. 

4. Aliens of London (Part 1) by Russell T. Davies

The Doctor takes Rose back to 21st century London, just in time to witness a spaceship crashing into the River Thames, triggering a worldwide state of alert and the closing off of the city. As the Doctor investigates the survivor of the crash, Rose finds problems closer to home.

5. World War Three (Part 2) by Russell T. Davies

As the Doctor, Rose Tyler and their new friend Harriet Jones battle the murderous Slitheen while trapped in 10 Downing Street, the Doctor realises that the fate of the Earth rests on Rose's boyfriend, Mickey. 

6. Dalek by Robert Shearman

The episode is set in Utah in the year 2012, in the underground bunker owned by Henry Van Statten, a rich collector of alien artifacts. The Doctor encounters his one living exhibit: a creature called "the Metaltron", which the Doctor is horrified to discover is a surviving Dalek. When the Dalek escapes, the Doctor races against time to stop it from getting to the surface and wreaking havoc on humanity.

7. The Long Game by Russell T. Davies

Along with new companion Adam, the TARDIS deposits the Doctor and Rose on Satellite 5, a space station that broadcasts across the entire human empire. However, the Doctor senses things wrong on the station: there are no aliens, and those who are promoted to Floor 500 simply disappear. 

8. Father's Day by Paul Cornell

The Doctor brings Rose to 1987 to comfort her father as he was dying, but when she prevents his death from happening, the monstrous Reapers are unleashed upon the Earth.

9. The Empty Child (Part 1) by Steven Moffat

In the episode, The Doctor and Rose arrive in 1941 during the London Blitz, where they find that the city has been terrorised by a strange child in a gas mask repeatedly asking for his mother. Also they discover an ex-time agent, going by the name of Captain Jack Harkness. 

10. The Doctor Dances (Part 2) by Steven Moffat

The Doctor and Rose along with Captain Jack must stop the Nanogenes from turning everyone on Earth into gas mask zombies.

11. Boom Town by Russell T. Davies

The Doctor, Rose and Jack travel to modern-day Cardiff and meet up with Rose's boyfriend, Mickey. There, they discover that a recent enemy is very much alive, and is willing to destroy the planet to ensure her freedom. 

12. Bad Wolf (Part 1) by Russell T. Davies

The TARDIS crew find themselves trapped in the Gamestation, also known as Satellite 5, where they must battle to survive the cruel games. However, when Rose is taken away, the Doctor realizes his deadliest enemies have returned in their thousands...

13. The Parting of the Ways (Part 2) by Russell T. Davies

As the Dalek fleet approaches Earth, the Doctor sends Rose home and faces up to the fact that it is his time to die... But when the TARDIS arrives on Floor 500, is he saved? 

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