Series 2

This series follows the adventures of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and Rose (Billie Piper) as their whirlwind adventure comes to an end at the Torchwood Institute... But before that they battle Krillitanes, a werewolf and Clockwork Droids as well as they see the return of a few past friends and foes!

Also Starring

Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler
Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith
Shaun Dingwall as Pete Tyler


X. The Christmas Invasion by Russell T. Davies 

It is Christmas, but there is little cause for celebration as planet Earth is invaded by aliens known as the Sycorax. It's up to Rose and the newly-regenerated Doctor to save humanity, with a bit of help from her boyfriend Mickey and her mother Jackie.

1. New Earth by Russell T. Davies

The Doctor takes Rose to New Earth where they see the human race have adapted after the sun engulfed the Earth, but they also see an old enemy who still believes she's the last human...

2. Tooth and Claw by Russell T. Davies 

In 1879 Scotland, the Doctor and Rose meet Queen Victoria. However, a group of warrior monks have sinister plans for the monarch, and the full moon is about to summon a creature out of legend.

3. School Reunion by Toby Whithouse

Mickey tells the Doctor and Rose about mysterious things happening at a school and when they are investigating they find not only a couple of old friends but an evil alien species known as Krillitanes using the school children to crack a code which would give them control over the entire universe...

4. The Girl in the Fireplace by Steven Moffat

The Doctor, Rose and Mickey find time windows on a spaceship from the 51st century to 18th century France... They also find the Clockwork Droids who are searching for the right time window to take Madame de Pompadour's brain to fix their destroyed ship, but can the Doctor stop them? 

5. Rise of the Cybermen (Part 1) by Tom MacRae

After the TARDIS makes a crash landing on the Earth of another universe, Rose discovers her father is alive and rich, Mickey encounters his alternative self, and the Tenth Doctor learns one of his oldest and deadliest foes is about to be

6. The Age of Steel (Part 2) by Tom MacRae

The Cybermen are converting parallel London's population, but the Doctor, Rose and Mickey along with Pete Tyler, Ricky, Mrs Moore and Jake try to stop them by infiltrating Cybus Industries. 

7. The Idiot's Lantern by Mark Gatiss

The Doctor and Rose arrive in London just before Elizabeth II's coronation, but they find an alien entity that plans to take all of the millions of people that will watch the coronation's soul via their TV's...

8. The Impossible Planet (Part 1) by Matt Jones

The TARDIS lands in a base on a planet orbiting a black hole, an allegedly impossible situation that stumps even the Doctor. The base crew are drilling to the centre of the world, to claim the power that keeps it in orbit for the good of the Human Empire. However, an ancient evil is down there too, and it is awakened... 

9. The Satan Pit (Part 2) by Matt Jones

With the TARDIS seemingly lost, Rose and the remaining humans are trapped on the base with the possessed Ood, while the planet floats helplessly towards a black hole. Meanwhile, the Doctor is about to discover exactly what "Beast" is trapped in the heart of the impossible planet.

10. Love and Monsters by Russell T. Davies

An ordinary man named Elton Pope becomes obsessed with a man called the Doctor and his strange blue box, and joins a group of like-minded people in hopes of finding him. But when the mysterious Victor Kennedy joins the group, the fun stops and Elton discovers a darker side to his hobby. 

11. Fear Her by Matthew Graham

The Doctor and Rose arrive in London to see the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games but they soon find a girl called Chloe Webber who can make people disappear by drawing them and just who exactly is that in the wardrobe?

12. Army of Ghosts (Part 1) by Russell T. Davies

On present day Earth, the Doctor and Rose arrive to find that the human race have become accustomed to seeing daily ghosts appearing during 'shifts'. The Doctor tracks their source to the Torchwood Institute and soon finds that the ghosts are one of his deadliest enemies... 

13. Doomsday (Part 2) by Russell T. Davies

The Daleks and Cybermen begin their war on Earth and as the Doctor comes up with a plan but it all ends up bad for Rose who will never see the Doctor again...

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